A path to excellence
for Master and PhD students
for Master and PhD students
The doctoral school
The SCP graduate programme falls mainly under the Science of Matter, Radiation and the Environment (SMRE) doctoral school.
PhD students
Thesis defences in 2022
Research units
Science of Matter, Radiation and the Environment
Institutions involved:
- University of Lille
- IMT Nord-Europe
- Centrale Lille Institut
Research discipline:
- Physics
- Earth and Universe Sciences, Space
- Chemistry
- Biology, Medicine, Health
- Engineering sciences
- Agricultural and ecological sciences
More information: ED SMRE website
Registration for doctoral studies
If you are a Master students

If you wish to join the Graduate Programme at PhD level or would like to pursue a thesis, consult the available thesis topics published by the doctoral schools and contact the thesis supervisor beforehand.
If you are a PhD students

As a doctoral student at the doctoral schools, if your thesis topic has been awarded a label by the graduate programme:
- you can access the master’s classes taught as part of the Graduate Programme
- you’re invited to events organised as part of the graduate programme, like the summer and autumn schools
- you can contribute to the organization of graduate programme events, such as the after-work seminars or end-of-year conference
- you can secure a supplement to the Information and Knowledge Society diploma indicating the 3 core competencies acquired: interdisciplinary skills, international experience and the capacity to work in public sector research or R&D in the private sector
- you can benefit from an outward mobility grant for a mobility project. More information can be found in the section entitled “Calls for applications – grants”.
- you will have the opportunity to share knowledge with other students as a lecturer or tutor and thereby develop your teaching skills.