for Master and PhD students
Precision Health

The “Precision Health” Graduate programme aims at training students from scientific and health backgrounds (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, maieutics) or bioinformatics in innovative concepts that will guide the research and health areas of tomorrow.
The objective is to offer a research training through research, integrating master's and doctoral teaching.
Research Labs
Master Precision Health
Doctoral School
3 key principles

- Interdisciplinary skills
- International experience
- Preparing your future career

The Graduate Programme Precision Health aims at encouraging the Master and PhD students to meet around three core topics of the Biology-Health field:
- To promote Biology applied to Precision Health
- To encourage the digital revolution applied to the Biology and Health field
- To Optimise the positive impact of the different Precision Health researches
Main events

- Begining of the year event for the Master Precision Health, in the begining of September
- Precision Health Day: in November, a day of conferences in a place outside the University tailored to encourage the students and scientists to discuss around key topics.
- End of the year event: taking place in June
- Summer School: the second edition will take place in July 2024
Acces and teaching program offered in Precision Health
The Precision Health Pathway of the Graduate Programs is open to national and international Master's and PhD students with SCI, MD, PharmaD or BioInfo training.
The core of the theoretical teaching of the Graduate Programme consists of 10 seminars taught in English, of 1-2 days, in the form of conferences given by local or international experts, focusing on innovative technologies (generation and use of big data, AI, etc.) with examples of applications chosen in the 4 major disciplinary fields of the health sector (Cancer, Diabetes and cardio-metabolic diseases, Neurosciences, Infectious and immuno-inflammatory pathologies), justifying a specific approach on the long term, from screening to prevention of complications.
- From OMICS to systems biology
- Precision imaging and health
- The molecular bases of pathologies and treatments
- Artificial Intelligence and Precision Health
- New modes of action of personalized medicines
- Innovative medical devices
- Using patient cohorts for cutting-edge research
- Public health policy and health economics, in light of precision health
- Ethics, health and society
Scholarships and international mobility grants are offered.
Second call for the International Mobility GrantLes Graduates Programmes Santé Numérique Environnement Société
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