for Master and PhD students
Doctoral School hosting the Graduate programme
The Graduate Programme 'Information and Knowledge Society' is involved in 4 different Graduate Schools
Graduate Schools
Completed thesis
Novel PhD's/year
The IKS Graduate Schools
ENGineering and SYstem Sciences (ENGSYS)

The Doctoral School supports doctoral students in their field of research:
- Electrical Engineering (GE)
- Micro and NanoTechnology, Acoustic and Telecommunications (MNTAT)
- Mechanic, Civil Engineering, Energy, Materials (MGCEM)
More information: ENGSYS Doctoral School

MAthematics and DIgital Sciences (MADIS)
The Doctoral School supports doctoral students in their field of research in:
- Mathematics
- Control science and Image analysis
- Computer science
More information: MADIS Doctoral School
Science of Matter, Radiation, and the Environment (SMRE)

The Doctoral School is a multi-disciplinary thematic school in the fields of:
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Earth and Universe Sciences
- Environment
- Food Biotechnologies.
More information: SMRE Doctoral School

Human and Social Sciences Doctoral School
The Doctoral School supports doctoral students in the fields of Human and Social Sciences
More information: SHS Doctoral School
Registration for doctoral studies
If you are a master student

If you wish to join the Graduate Programme at PhD level or would like to pursue a thesis, consult the available thesis topics published by the doctoral schools and contact the thesis supervisor beforehand.
If you are a PhD student

As a doctoral student at the doctoral schools, if your thesis topic has been awarded a label by the graduate programme:
- you can access the master’s classes taught as part of the Graduate Programme
- you’re invited to events organised as part of the graduate programme, like the summer and autumn schools
- you can contribute to the organization of graduate programme events, such as the after-work seminars or end-of-year conference
- you can secure a supplement to the Information and Knowledge Society diploma indicating the 3 core competencies acquired: interdisciplinary skills, international experience and the capacity to work in public sector research or R&D in the private sector
- you can benefit from an outward mobility grant for a mobility project. More information can be found in the section entitled 'International Mobility Grant'.
- you will have the opportunity to share knowledge with other students as a lecturer or tutor and thereby develop your teaching skills.