for Master and PhD students
Scientific context
The 3 main challenges

Changing institutions and organizations
Vulnerability and inclusion
Europe, historical constructs and transitional dynamics

The major changes impacting our contemporary societies require, in order to control the risks but also to more effectively seize the opportunities, to mobilize the skills and knowledge of the human and social sciences in the service of understanding the global transition to the work.
An analysis of historical, cultural and institutional transformations must make it possible to understand the creative dynamic of change which can manifest itself both in modes of organization marked by innovation and through resilient individual or collective practices or even in innovative cultural productions. It must also make it possible to grasp the effects of exclusion that these changes can generate by exposing individuals to new or reinforced forms of vulnerability. Better knowledge of the inequalities and vulnerabilities that cross our societies and threaten them must enable the emergence of adapted and innovative responses, particularly organizational and institutional, in the service of a more inclusive society.
The Hub "Cultures, societies, practices in change" draws on convergent skills within the University of Lille and the site's major schools in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences to develop, in line with the actions carried out by the MESHS, the CNRS and other research stakeholders, disciplinary and multidisciplinary studies capable of shedding light on these issues and challenges of the contemporary world, while interacting with the other Hubs in a global dynamic of research on transition.